Chantal Santon Jeffery

Acclaimed for her "warm and supple voice, magnificently supported" (Le Monde) and her stage presence, Chantal Santon Jeffery has tackled numerous repertoires and the most diverse roles: Mozart (Donna Anna, Elvira, Fiordiligi, the Countess, Sandrina... ), Wagner (Senta in Der Fliegender Holländer, Helmwige in Walküre), Britten (Governess in The Turn of the Screw), Stravinsky (The Nightingale), Haydn (title role in Armida), Boismortier (Don Quichotte chez la Duchesse), Campra (Tancrède), Rameau (La Folie in Platée, le Temple de la Gloire…), Gassman (Opera Seria) or Purcell (King Arthur, title role in Dido and Aeneas... ).
Regularly invited by prestigious orchestras such as Le Concert Spirituel, Les Talens Lyriques, Le Cercle de l'Harmonie, Les Siècles, le Concert de la loge, Opera Fuoco, the Brussels Philarmonic, the Orchestre National de France, the ONDIF, the Orchestre de Chambre de Paris, Pygmalion, the Orfeo Orchestra, Les Ambassadeurs, I Barocchisti or the Philarmonia Baroque Orchestra, she has performed on many renowned European, American and Asian stages. 
Her extensive discography includes a wide variety of repertoires. Recent releases include Offenbach's Maître Péronilla with the Orchestre National de France, Massenet's mélodies with orchestra with the Orchestre de chambre de Paris and Mayr's Amor Conjugale conducted by David Stern, Messager's Passionément with the Bayerischer Rundfunk Orchester, Rameau's Dardanus and Les Fêtes d'Hébé with György Vasheghi's Orfeo Orchestra, with whom she also recorded her latest recital, Brillez, Astres nouveaux!, which met with great international critical success.

Participations - Performances - Collaborations
