Éric Jean

Stage Director
Éric Jean is without a shadow of a doubt one of the most esteemed and outstanding stage directors of his generation. His appointment in 2004 as general and artistic director of Théâtre de Quat’Sous, and his ensuing success, are a reflection of the trust and confidence he has established in the theatre area, which quickly saw him as a bold, unique artist who has made a significant artistic contribution to Quebec theatre.
A prolific and inventive director, he is greatly appreciated for his commitment to up-and-coming artists, both as a teacher and at the professional level.
Éric Jean has made his mark and his reputation with his creative approach. Using structured improvisations as his point of departure, he also works in conjunction with playwright and set design, gradually piecing together his stage plays. Striking examples of this, which he calls “writing as action,” are of course his renowned Hippocampe, written in collaboration with Pascal Brullemans, and his 2009 staging of Chambre(s), co-written with Pascal Chevarie. Not only was Hippocampe the recipient of the 2003 Prix de la critique, but the director was also nominated for the prestigious Siminovitch Prize in 2004, one of five finalists.
Other notable productions were Corps étrangers/Cuerpos extranos (2005), a piece cowritten with Pascal Brullemans and firstly created in Mexico before being presented in Quebec, Opium_37 (2009-2011), written in collaboration with Catherine Lιger, after which he staged Luc Tartar’s play for adolescents S’embrasent (2009-2017). This was followed by Le ventriloque (2012) by Larry Tremblay, Survivre (2013) by Olivier Kemeid, Testament by Vickie Gendreau (2014), Variations sur un temps by David Ives (2015) and Le Joker (2016) by Larry Tremblay.
Autumn 2016 marked the beginning of a new adventure for Éric Jean, as he resigned from his position as artistic director of Théâtre de Quat’Sous, in order to focus on directing, writing and filmmaking.

Participations - Performances - Collaborations
