ΤEE, TEE/TKM and EPES are pleased to announce the co-organization of the
19th Panhellenic Concrete Conference that will be held in Thessaloniki on 7-9 November 2024.
The conference will cover the scientific fields related to Concrete Structures, which are summarized in the following indicative list:
- Concrete Technology, Steel & Admixtures
- Seismic design and seismic damage of concrete structures
- Pathology & durability of concrete structures
- Analysis & dimensioning of concrete structures
- Valuation of concrete structures and infrastructure
- Behaviour of concrete structures under static and dynamic loads
- Concrete bridges
- Behaviour of concrete structures over time & sustainability
- Composite materials
- Reinforcement, rehabilitation & repair of concrete structures
- Construction methods and prefabrication
- Instrumental measurements of concrete structures Reinforced concrete construction projects
- Climate crisis, natural and man-made disasters and concrete
- Recent earthquakes and concrete structures
- Concrete with an improved environmental footprint
- Special and innovative issues in concrete construction
- BIM and digital twins for concrete structures